Sunday, June 6

three things to do on my day off

today is my day off. it's a day off from a schedule. a day off from people. it's a day all to myself. like yesterday, it's a free day. only today, my friends went to france to see the eiffel tower and the arch de triumph and all the rest of paris you can see in a day. but i've been to paris, and so am spending the day on my own here in london. i get to do whatever i want to do, when i want to do it, without anyone else's input. and i can't even begin to tell you how amazing it will be. in fact, it already is amazing, because for the first time in three weeks i got to sleep in. but now, the day has begun and it's time to do some stuff. here are three things i hope to do:

1. read harry potter in the park.
either green park or hyde park, i haven't decided. whatever strikes my fancy, i suppose, once i walk out of the hotel. i've never read harry potter before, and today i'm giving in. the other day i got a copy of the british version of harry potter and the philosopher's stone, and what better place to start the series than in london itself.

2. feed more squirrels.
i brought a bunch of food with me on this trip, and one thing i brought was nuts. lucky for the squirrels here in london, i have some left over. i'm hoping that i'll get one to hop in my lap. we'll see how it goes.

3. find these chips.
croxton mannor: cheddar & red onion. when i was here two years ago, i got these chips. my friend shea, who was with me, can testify that they are probably the yummiest chips ever made. they only have them in new york and london, and since i'm in the latter i simply have to get them. where they sell them i can't quite remember, but my goal is to find out.

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